Many clients ask questions concerning how the consulting services of Telecom611 can assist their businesses. Here are a number of the most commonly asked questions that show how Telecom611 can help your business optimize its overall telecommunication services.

  1. We only use AT&T (or Verizon, or Sprint), and we believe we are on their best program, how can Telecom611 help us?
  2. Why should we use Telecom611 when we have someone on staff that handles this?
  3. We are on a contract and are locked in until it is over, what can Telecom611 do to help?
  4. Do any network carriers or telecom hardware vendors pay Telecom611 for recommending them?
  5. What is so unique about using Telecom611 to review all of our business telecommunication services?

1. We only use AT&T (or Verizon, or Sprint), and we believe we are on their best program, how can Telecom611 help us?

There are literally thousands of AT&T pricing options, not to mention hundreds more with Verizon and Sprint. Over the past three years, long distance rates have contined to climb. What was a carrier's best program last year is now old news in this rapidly changing industry. Tracking all of these different options and understanding how they apply to a client's unique business situation is what Telecom611 specializes in.

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2. Why should we use Telecom611 when we have someone on staff that handles this?

Keeping up with the constantly changing voice and data services market is a full-time job in itself. Many times in-house staff is too busy handling day-to-day operation requests, resulting in a limited amount of time to research and stay informed on new tariff offerings from the various carriers. Telecom611's focus is to keep up-to-date with the latest developments in the marketplace and related carrier tariffs, which allows us to help our clients achieve the best possible use and performance from their carrier contracts and telecommunication systems.

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3. We are on a contract and are locked in until it is over, what can Telecom611 do to help?

Many businesses today are under some type of telecommunications contract, whether it be for local, long distance, toll-free, or data communication services. Telecom611 has a track record of pinpointing areas for improvement when reviewing existing carrier contracts. This review process has enabled our clients to often renegotiate contracts and/or improve existing carrier services, resulting in significant additional savings.

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4. Do any network carriers or telecom hardware vendors pay Telecom611 any fees or commissions for recommending them?

Telecom611 has been involved in the analysis and awarding of a number of telecommunication service contracts. During this time, contracts have been awarded to many different carriers based upon the particular needs of our clients. Telecom611.com does not have any contracts or commission arrangements with any carriers or equipment providers. We simply identify which carrier offers the most cost-effective package for each client. Our clients pay us, so we are motivated to maximize the return to them.

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5. What is so unique about using Telecom611.com to review all of our business telecommunication services?

In many situations, costs can be minimized by more effectively utilizing the telecommunication systems a business already has in place. By analyzing all of the contracted services and hardware used by your business, Telecom611 can identify areas which can be most improved, resulting in both short and long-term cost savings for your company.

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